Updated on 05/01/2024
TEMPORARY LOSS OF VISION IN ONE EYE. The sudden onset of vision loss in one eye that resolves in a short time must be investigated. It is important to detect the underlying disease to prevent permanent loss.
The term amarosis fugax is used for cases that cause temporary vision loss in one eye where the clot goes into the retinal circulation. This clot may originate from the ipsilateral carotid artery, aorta or the heart. The attack starts suddenly, lasts a few minutes, and resolves. Vision loss is often described as a curtain descending in front of the eye.
In case migraine/vasospasm headache accompanies the signs, another cause of temporary vision loss in one eye may be retinal migraine.
The Uhthoff phenomenon is a temporary loss of vision that occurs with an increase in body temperature. It is usually observed in people who have had optic neuritis. It is caused by a temporary conduction block in the optic nerve. When the temperature returns to normal, the vision also returns to normal.
Temporary blackouts are temporary vision loss in one or both eyes due to swelling of the optic nerve, that is, optic disc oedema, which develops due to increased intracranial pressure. It usually occurs with movements such as position change, coughing and straining. Vision loss lasts for seconds and improves. Similar episodes of vision loss may also occur in low blood pressure, giant cell arteritis or retinal venous stasis.
Vision loss in bright light can be observed in one eye in patients with advanced stenosis of the carotid artery. Sometimes, in eye diseases, there may be vision loss in bright light in both eyes. May occur after meals or with a change of position.
Ali G. Hamedani Transient Visual Loss. Symptoms and Signs